Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was listening to Lil Wayne’s CD in my car the other day, when this song came on I had never listened to before.  It was called Misunderstood, in this song he tells about how the government targets black Americans.  There is also a part in this song that talks about the injustices of prison sentences.  He says, “You know we don’t have room in the jail no for the real mothafuckas, the real criminals”/ “Sex offenders, rapist’s serial killers”.  Saying this is true a man caught with drugs is more likely to get half the time as someone caught with drugs.  People don’t see this because who ever actually checks the figures?  Certainly not the average person, they don’t want to depress their selves thinking about it.  When he says this he means to inform us that the child molester is going the get out sooner than a person who sells or uses drug.  In fact my friend was sent to prison the same day as a child molester and he got 15 years and the molester got 7.  Lil’ Wayne goes on, “I know you saw those sex offender papers”/ “Don’t trip he lives right on the end of yo block”.  Really check the internet they have to register.  I just checked the St. Joe PD map of sex offenders and within 4,000 feet of my home I have 22 registered sex offenders.  The punishment for sex offenders is too light for me.  I would rather have a drug dealer live down the block from me than a child molester any day.  Take a listen.... 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,

    I'm a little confused by this post. You write:

    "Saying this is true a man caught with drugs is more likely to get half the time as someone caught with drugs."

    What do you mean here?

    You do include lyrics:

    You know we don’t have room in the jail no for the real mothafuckas, the real criminals
    Sex offenders, rapist’s serial killers

    But what we need to see here are how these lyrics employ pathos. What does Lil' Wayne mean when he writes, "You know we don't have room in the jail for the real mothafuckas?" Who is the "real muthafuckas?" Who is doing hard time? Why is this important? What is Lil' Wayne trying to tell us?

    Ms. C
