Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today’s politics and voting

I chose to explore why the younger generations aren’t involved with our election process and what our young people can do today to know how they can get involved.   The reason I am interested in this topic is because I find it fascinating that young people don’t care what happens in our government.  Most of our young people don’t understand that who we elect to represent us will affect our everyday lives.  Our elected officials propose laws and bills that can help or in the case I will be talking about hurt us.  The government wants to cut funding for our family planning clinics.  These family planning clinics provide cancer screenings, birth control, and treatments for STDs for the lower income Americans who can’t afford insurance.  It would be a great problem for this country to let these people go uncared for.  There would be more STDs, more unwanted pregnancies, and more undiagnosed people with things like breast cancer or cervical cancer which could be a great big problem foe this country in the long run.  I plan to research the statistics and explain how important it is to be involved in our government.  I will contrast today’s young people to the young Americans in the 60s and 70s.  I am hoping to explain the changes that have occurred since then.  I will explain what will happen to Planned Parenthood if these cuts are made to their budget, and how it could affect all of us in our everyday lives. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,

    I'm happy that you are using a real life example. I think that this will help further your argument. I should tell you that I purchased a new book over Spring Break and it brough tme back to your argument. I am going to bring a copy of it tomorrow because it may be something you wish to use in your draft. It talks about how and why young Americans are different than generations who have come before them. Although this is focused around the concept of feminism, I think that it is relevant to your argument.

    What have you found so far in regard to the bill that was proposed to defund Planned Parenthood? If you choose to use this for your paper, I encourage you to explain its entirety for your audience. So think about what you will need to do.

    1) Tell us about the bill. Who proposed the bill? When? Why? What does the bill include?
    2) What happened? (E.G. I believe the bill was voted down by Senate Democrats, but double check to be certain.) Even if this did not pass, what could it potentially mean for younger women? For lower income women who utilize Planned Parenthood services. Since we are assuming your audience knows nothing, explain what services Planned Parenthood provides.

    Ms. C
