Thursday, April 21, 2011

Full Frontal Feminism

                While reading this book I found out that I am a feminist.  I never knew it nor did I know what feminism really was.  I never cared what people thought of me, I always thought that a man should do the dishes and all the house work just like women have done for centuries.  I have never given much thought to the facts that women aren’t equal still today.  I mean I have never really looked at the world like that.  Now that I have taken this class and read this book I am aware that fairness doesn’t even come close when it comes to women.  It really pisses me off that women with children make so much less than men and women without kids for that matter.  We need it the most kids aren’t cheap.  I know that it is important to vote and not to just vote but to know who and what you are voting for.  Know what they believe in and how they would vote for on the issues that matter to you.  Everyone thinks that their one vote doesn’t matter but I’m here to tell you that aren’t the case it does.  Talk to your friends and family about it because they may not know what’s going on in the government.  They more people that you can get involved the better we will be.  No one can get anything done today without some sort of involvement.  So find out what is important to you and start getting involved.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,

    I'm glad that you Full Frontal Feminism has reawakened something in you. Like you, I didn't know much about feminism growing up, but I was like you. I'm glad that this book has provided you with an awareness of feminism and now you are able to identify as a feminist.

    Ms. C
