Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Political Era

New Political Era
            The interesting thing about American’s is that we are all proud to be Americans, but what makes America such a good country to be a part of.  Is it our freedoms, our economy, or just simply the way we can live our everyday lives anyway we wish.  The youth in the 50’s and 60’s were involved much more they paved for our generation by protesting and letting our government know what they expected of them.  Today’s youth are less involved and don’t understand why it is so important to be involved in our democratic process, which is why I will explore why our generation is so cynical about our electoral process and why it is important to get our generation educated about the officials we vote for, and explain how it is affecting our everyday lives by not voting.   
            Young Americans today aren’t involved in our democracy for many reasons.  The new generation of voters simply don’t trust our government which in reality that alone should make them want to be more involved.  Mark Strama author of, Overcoming Cynicism: Youth Participation and Electoral Politics, says; 9 out of 10 candidates who spend the most money wins an election.  Most of that money comes from special interest groups so most Americans feel they aren’t the ones truly being represented.  During a candidate’s run for office they rarely target the young voters instead they target the older generations because they are the ones that go to the poles and vote.  Strama says, “Obviously, it’s a catch-22: politicians ignore young people because they don’t vote, and young people don’t vote because politicians ignore them” (p.73).

Strama, Mark. "Overcoming Cynicism: Youth Participation and Electoral Politics." National Civic Review 87.1 (1998): 71. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Mar. 2011.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today’s politics and voting

I chose to explore why the younger generations aren’t involved with our election process and what our young people can do today to know how they can get involved.   The reason I am interested in this topic is because I find it fascinating that young people don’t care what happens in our government.  Most of our young people don’t understand that who we elect to represent us will affect our everyday lives.  Our elected officials propose laws and bills that can help or in the case I will be talking about hurt us.  The government wants to cut funding for our family planning clinics.  These family planning clinics provide cancer screenings, birth control, and treatments for STDs for the lower income Americans who can’t afford insurance.  It would be a great problem for this country to let these people go uncared for.  There would be more STDs, more unwanted pregnancies, and more undiagnosed people with things like breast cancer or cervical cancer which could be a great big problem foe this country in the long run.  I plan to research the statistics and explain how important it is to be involved in our government.  I will contrast today’s young people to the young Americans in the 60s and 70s.  I am hoping to explain the changes that have occurred since then.  I will explain what will happen to Planned Parenthood if these cuts are made to their budget, and how it could affect all of us in our everyday lives.